If I can not text while driving, what about using hands-free technology?
It does not matter if the technology used inside a vehicle is hand-held or hands-free. The issue is not where the hands are, but where the mind is. All e-devices are considered as distractions.
When using an e-device to talk, text or use social media apps, the mind disengages from the task of driving. This means drivers are not clearly focusing on their surroundings. Reduced clarity and awareness when driving increases the chances of an accident.
Dividing attention between talking on a phone and driving decreases reaction time. This means that distracted drivers are more likely to miss stop signs, lights or pedestrians. Not fully focusing on driving increases the risk of an accident four times.
Other Texting While Driving FAQs:
- Are school bus drivers allowed to talk or text on their cellphone while driving?
- I have seen truckers using cellphones while driving. They are only taking their eyes off the road for a fraction of a second. What is the harm in that?
- I see lots of people on the road texting while driving. Is it really that dangerous?
- If I can not text while driving, what about using hands-free technology?
- My employer says it is dangerous to use a cellphone while driving, but wants me to be more productive. I can only do that if I can make and take calls while I am on the road. Does it really make any difference if I make calls and text while driving?
- Why is using my cellphone while I am driving more dangerous that talking to my passengers?
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