Texting While Driving
Regular readers of my blog know that one of the frequent topics is texting while driving. I have compiled a number of those posts below.
- A Harsh Reminder About The Dangers of Texting While Driving
- New Survey Says Texting While Driving Is Getting Worse
- There's A Solution On The Horizon For Distracted Driving
- Something Insurance Companies And I Agree About --- The Dangers of Texting While Driving
- What's The Problem With The Trucking Industry's Ban On Texting While Driving?
- Think Teens Are The Biggest Texting While Driving Risks? Think Again
- Texting While Driving --- A Deadly Combination
- Another Story On The Dangers Of Texting While Driving
- Auto Accidents & Text Messaging
- In Study Of Truck Drivers, Texting While Driving Proves To Increase Risks of Wrecks By Large Margins
- More Studies Confirm Texting While Driving Is Worse Than Driving Drunk
- Text Messaging (and Twittering) While Driving (resource page from 2009)
I'm always adding more posts.
Texting While Driving FAQs:
- Are school bus drivers allowed to talk or text on their cellphone while driving?
- I have seen truckers using cellphones while driving. They are only taking their eyes off the road for a fraction of a second. What is the harm in that?
- I see lots of people on the road texting while driving. Is it really that dangerous?
- If I can not text while driving, what about using hands-free technology?
- My employer says it is dangerous to use a cellphone while driving, but wants me to be more productive. I can only do that if I can make and take calls while I am on the road. Does it really make any difference if I make calls and text while driving?
- Why is using my cellphone while I am driving more dangerous that talking to my passengers?
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