Auto Accidents & Text Messaging
According to statistics from, at least 9 people a day are killed as a result of distracted driving. And although we know distracted driving and texting while driving are dangerous, people still do it.
According to the AAA’s survey of teen drivers, 46 percent of the teens text message while driving and 51 percent talk on cell phones while driving. These are frightful statistics. The AAA reports that car and traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for people ages 15 to 20 years old.
Unfortunately, we see these things anecdotally in Austin. It's now unusual when you drive down Mopac or I35 (the two main north-south arteries in Austin) and you don't pass young drivers either on the phone or using their phones for e-mail or text messaging.
At least some lawmakers in Texas realize the danger. In 2005, a law was passed banning the use of cell phones while driving for the first six months after teens get a driver’s license. But, really, who enforces that law? It's not going to be law enforcement officials. It's up to parents to police their teens (and to set good examples) on these driving issues. As a result, we urge all of our clients and readers to take this information and talk to their teens about the dangers of driving while distracted so that "our" kids don't end up one of the statistics.
Holding Wrongdoers Accountable
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