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How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?

This is a common question we hear, and it’s hard to give a great answer because the potential span is so large depending on a number of factors.  For instance, we might resolve some cases within a few months of opening the case, and we might resolve some several years after opening the case.  But the timing is all dependent on the various factors in the case.

The first big factor is how long it takes you to get better.  We generally don’t want to resolve a case until you’re either healed or the doctor tells you that you’re not getting any better.  We don’t want to be in a situation where we have settled the case and then you turn out to be hurt worse than we thought.  So the first factor is how long it takes you to heal.  Some clients heal in a couple of months, and for some clients, they don’t heal for a couple of years.

The second main factor is whether we have to file suit.  If we can resolve a claim without filing a lawsuit, then the case is usually finished much faster than having to pursue even a simple claim in a lawsuit.  Lawsuits are slow and time-consuming so a lot of times the lawsuit process is the cause of the delay in your case.

There may also be a number of other factors, such as whether the other party has insurance, how much insurance the other party has, how much the other party cooperates, etc.

While I wish I could promise you a quick, tidy process, lawyers who do that aren’t telling you the truth.



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Books Schuelke was a huge asset. I wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Schuelke without a moments hesitation

- Sara Hickman