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Blog Action Day: Poverty

Today is Blog Action Day, an event where bloggers unite on one day to discuss a single issue. This year’s topic is poverty, which is fitting since I was asked to participate in this event by my friend Kerry Qunell at the Capital Area Food Bank.

I thought I’d take a little different spin and talk about Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas. VLS is one of two local non-profits that focus on providing legal services to low-income people in the Central Texas area.  It provides clinics to answer legal questions and matches up local volunteer attorneys with low-income clients that need representation in different matters.  In 2007, attorneys volunteering through VLS provided 16,096 hours of free legal services, valued at $4,426,488 in uncharged fees, to benefit 4,381 people.

We’re big supporters of VLS.  Mark has served on its board of directors, and last year, we were the proud recipient of the VLS Judge Joe Hart Award, which is “presented annually to a law firm that has demonstrated the integrity and dedication to legal services to the poor exemplified by Mr. Hart throughout his legal and judicial career.”

Thanks go out to all of those who support VLS and the other organizations featured in today’s Blog Action Day.

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