5 Non-Law Blogs and 5 Legal Bloggers
This weekend, I was tagged by the Torts Prof professors to participate in the latest legal blog meme by naming 5 non-law blogs I find interesting and tagging 5 other legal bloggers to do the same. Because Austin is the #1 blogging city in the country, I thought I’d make my lists with a little local flair.
Five Blogs I Read Regularly and Find Interesting:
Barking Carnival — a blog dedicated to University of Texas and college sports
Zen La La — This is the blog of my friend Sara Hickman. Sara is a musician, activist and mom. She’s one of the most generous people I know (and you can get a taste of that from reading her blog), and the world would be a little better place if we aspired to do what she does. And in a town filled with musicians, Grammy Awards, and stars, Sara is my only friend that has appeared on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (in my mind, still the “REAL” Tonight Show, with no offense to Leno).
Burnt Orange Report — A blog that covers Texas politics from the liberal perspective.
Some Assembly Required — Thom Singer is an Austin writer and speaker, among other things. Though he’s in Austin, I’ve never met him. I stumbled across his blog on a random Google search about Leadership Austin, a local group that we apparently both participate in. I’ve continued to read the blog because I find his posts interesting and thought provoking.
Presentation Zen — Obviously not a local blog, but I think Garr Reynolds is a genius and every trial lawyer in the country should read his book and blog.
Five Other Bloggers to Tag:
Keeping it in Austin, I tag Todd Smith, a local appellate lawyer, and Jamie Spencer, one of the original and most prolific Austin attorney bloggers.
In the personal injury arena, I would love to hear the thoughts of Bill Marler or John Day.
And finally, like Anne Reed and Eric Turkewitz, I’ll tag Scott Greenfield in hopes that he’ll finally contribute.
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