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General Litigation

Mediation/Settlement Lessons From An NBA Trade

I’m not a huge NBA fan, but over the last few days, I have been listening to a variety of talk show hosts discuss the trade of former NBA MVP Derrick Rose from the Chicago Bulls to the New York Knicks in exchange for a few of the Knicks’ players. Normally, that wouldn’t be all…

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It's A New Age For Trial/Witness Prep

What technology giveth (in terms of ease), technology taketh away. Technology was supposed to make trials and presentations easier. And in many ways, it does. But it also has this nasty habit of causing problems. Big problems. Attorneys have already adjusted to MySpace and Facebook and the like. We not only use them to investigate…

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A Discrimination Lawsuit Against The Olympics — with a twist

I heard an interesting story on NPR yesterday about a discrimination lawsuit against the Olympics.  Ten women from six countries are suing to seek the right to participate in ski jumping at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games.  Ski jumping is the only sport that is open to men, but closed to women.  The ten…

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Justice Medina's Saga Continues, plus more Supreme Court drama

As we have previously reported and updated, Texas Supreme Court Justice David Medina and his wife were indicted in connection with an alleged arson event at their home.  At the District Attorney’s request, the indictments were dismissed.  But the story appears to be far from over.  Today, the grand jurors are stating that they will re-urge the investigation…

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An Interesting New Website

The Robing Room — a new website that rates federal judges and some state court judges (Texas is not yet included). It will be interesting to see if this site gets any traction. To contact Austin Personal Injury Lawyer, Austin Personal Attorney, Austin Accident Lawyer, Austin Injury Lawyer Perlmutter & Schuelke, PLLC or to learn more…

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Truth About Tort Reform Supporter Uncovered

The Houston Chronicle has a great story about Dr. Forney Fleming, a spokesman for Texans For Lawsuit Reform. Dr. Fleming was a key spokesperson for TLR and even prominently featured on its website. But, according to the Chronicle, TLR forgot to tell you that Dr. Fleming was reprimanded by the Texas Medical Board for substandard…

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Small Businesses: Unwitting Victims of Tort Reform

We routinely represent small businesses, not only from Austin, but from all over Texas, in disputes and litigation. And it seems more common that small business owners are victims of improper conduct by larger corporations, and they are ending up in our office, seeking our advice on how to enforce their contracts or how to…

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Tort Reform – The False Choice

As the legislature reconvenes in Austin, Texas Watch released a new study called THE FALSE CHOICE: DOCTORS OR ACCOUNTABILITY. The main premise of the study is that Texans were provided a false choice between access to health care and protecting patient rights when presented with tort reform’s Prop 12 in 2003.  The study makes three…

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Presidential Hopefuls on Tort Reform

In the wake of the President’s State of the Union address, the Illinois Justice Project had a short rundown of the 2008 presidential candidates’ views on tort reform.  The post should be interesting to anyone interested in civil justice issues. Thanks to the TortsProf blog for the link. To contact Austin Personal Injury Lawyer, Austin…

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