Another Austin Hit-and-Run Wreck! Is There a Potential Recovery?
This weekend, someone was seriously injured in a hit-and-run wreck on Nuckols Crossing Road. The story on the wreck isn’t specific, but it appears that the victim was a pedestrian.
A question we often get in pedestrian/hit-and-run driver wrecks is whether there is a way to make a recovery. And the answer is, “maybe.” Most people don’t know this, but if they have uninsured/underinsured motorist policies, those policies, at least under Texas law, will provide coverage in a pedestrian (or even bicycle) accident. (This is a topic that we have addressed on our auto-pedestrian accident page.)
If you or a loved one become involved in a pedestrian collision, check your policy to see if you have potential coverage to protect yourself.
UPDATE: Additional news reports are reporting that the victim was on a bicycle. Fortunately, the same analysis applies. A victim who is hit by a hit-and-run driver while cycling will be covered by any uninsured/underinsured motorist policy on any vehicle that the cyclist owns.
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