Archive for May 2011
Sean Kingston Jet Ski Accident Shows Need For Watercraft Safety
Hip hop singer Sean Kingston was seriously injured in a jet ski accident over the weekend. Sadly, Mr. Kingston is not alone. Jet skis and personal watercraft are some of the most dangerous vehicles on the water. In Texas, the use of personal watercraft is fairly well regulated, though most users don’t seem to know…
Read MoreTwo Teens Dead In Mysterious Scuba Diving Accident
Tragedy randomly struck two families whose teenaged sons died at the bottom of the ocean. It is unclear what caused their deaths. “This reported case was a great shock to the two families involved,” said Brooks Schuelke, an Austin personal injury lawyer with Perlmutter & Schuelke, L.L.P. “Two young men, ages 16 and 17, went…
Read MoreBrain Injuries From Sports Are More Common Than People Think
Not only are brain injuries very common in sports, they affect nearly 765,000 young children and adults every year. Who does not have their kids in sporting activities? It is almost an entrenched right of passage for American children and young adults. Unfortunately, playing the sports they love may also result in traumatic brain injury,…
Read MoreAustin Police Department Is Trying To Reduce Injuries From Auto Accidents
The Austin Police Department is trying something a little new to reduce the number of injuries that Austinites suffer in car wrecks. The police department initiated their usual Click It or Ticket campaign to encourage motorists to use their seat belts. But this year, they’re adding a twist: undercover police officers are dressing as panhandlers…
Read MoreMedicare: A Personal Injury Problem Gets Worse
I’ve written before about my frustrations in dealing with Medicare. When our clients have Medicare, we have to contact Medicare, find out the amounts they paid, and then negotiate reimbursements with them. This is a painstaking process that involves several steps. First, we notify Medicare that our clients are asserting personal injury claims. Second, the…
Read MoreTraumatic Brain Injury is a Common Result in Car Crashes Says Austin Personal Injury Lawyer
Any head trauma sustained in a car accident has the potential to be devastating. Often the damage may cause life-long problems. “One of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents is traumatic brain injury. The skull is a tough nut to crack, but the brain inside is another story. If the force applied to…
Read MoreCould Legislation Help Prevent Illegal Solicitation of Personal Injury Victims?
We’re ambulance chasers — at least that’s what the public thinks. Personal injury lawyers have a reputation for sitting around and trying to chase down injured people so we can represent them in cases. And sadly, there’s some truth to that. There are a number of personal injury attorneys around the state that improperly obtain…
Read MoreTexas Oil Field Accident Kills One Indicates Austin Personal Injury Lawyer
When fatal accidents happen at work, the family may want to file a wrongful death lawsuit. The day started out like any other workday for the 44-year-old Texas oil field worker. He got to work and started getting ready to get on with his day. The man and his co-worker were working on a pipe…
Read MoreStudent Suicide Results in Wrongful Death Lawsuit
This case was torture for the family, and ultimately ended in a wrongful death lawsuit. This case involved the worst nightmare of any parent; a child committing suicide. However, this case had a further twist. The young man who took his own life was showing clear signs that he needed help, and no one at…
Read MoreAction Alert — Tort Reform: Stop The "Families Pay" Bill
You always have to feed the beast. Every legislative session the insurance industry and its lobbyists succeed in winning legislative victories that take away your rights. And depsite these wins, they keep coming back for more. It’s time to tell them enough — quit coming back for more. This year, the insurance industry and its…
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