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Archive for October 2010

Texas Equal Access To Justice Foundation — And I'm Proud Of One Of My Clients

This is National Pro Bono Week to celebrate attorneys’ providing free legal services to those in need.  The primary organization that helps fund pro bono services in Texas is the Texas Equal Access To Justice Foundation.    Earlier this week, the Texas Equal Access To Justice Foundation hosted its annual Luncheon With The Texas Supreme Court. …

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Wrong Site, Wrong Person, Wrong Procedure Problems Continue

I’m fascinated by the phenomenon of surgeons performing the wrong procedures.   It doesn’t make sense that a doctor would ever perform a surgery on the wrong site/body part, perform the wrong procedure on a patient, or perform a procedure on the wrong person.  And yet, it happens over and over again.  I’ve written extensively on…

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Keep detailed workplace injury records

Workers injured on the job should keep detailed records of the injury. It will help when filing a claim. “When someone is hired for a job in construction, management doesn’t typically spend a lot of time talking about workplace injury claims or even workers’ compensation, other than to make sure the new hire gets signed…

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There’s a solution on the horizon for driving while distracted

A viable solution for driving while distracted may be about to hit the market. Early indications show that it may make a difference. It’s no secret that one of the biggest concerns these days when it comes to automobiles is the driving while distracted issue. The driving while distracted epidemic is out of control and…

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Driving Safety — What Car Wreck Risks Do Your Teen Drivers Face?

It’s no secret that teens are more likely to be involved in car wrecks than others, but a new study by the University of Texas helps shed some light on the specifics of those risks. Federal safety experts took data from nearly 7,000 serious car wrecks across the United States, and a team of researchers…

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A Huge Win For Personal Injury Victims

I don’t normally post about legal opinions because I generally think my readers don’t care about the details of claims.  But last week, personal injury victims who have Medicare won a huge victory in a federal court. If you read this blog or follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve heard my gripes about Medicare. …

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AAJ: Litigation Helps Stop Nursing Home Abuse

The American Association of Justice (AAJ) has released a new report finding that the civil justice system is the most effective means to combat abuses by nursing homes and insurance companies that target elderly Americans.  Now, as a member of the AAJ, I feel free in saying that it might have the potential to be…

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Driving While Ability Impaired? Another DWI Offense In The Making?

In this morning’s Austin American Statesman, the always excellent Mike Ward (and I don’t say that just because our daughters are in the same class and Girl Scout Troop) has an article detailing a movement pushing for the adoption of a “DWI Lite” crime.   Austin police chief Art Acevedo is among those supporting a new…

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Possible defective tire tread kills three, injures six others

You never know when a defective product may cost you your life. The man in this case never saw this accident coming. This case was disturbing, as it deals with product liability issues that go right to the heart of consumer trust and confidence. This was a single-vehicle rollover that killed a pregnant woman and…

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Tragic Waco Car Wreck Shows Danger Of The Side Of The Road

Russell clifton and Christopher Ochoa were involved in a minor traffic accident on I35 in Waco Sunday morning.  As they were moving their car to the shoulder, they were tragically hit by another vehicle, killing  one of the men and injuring the other. Sadly, these types of tragedies are not infrequent.  I have previously written…

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