Archive for January 2007
The Vanishing Jury Trial and the Texas Supreme Court
It’s no secret that jury trials are disappearing. In fact, Texas Supreme Court justice Nathan Hecht had a cover article in a recent Texas Bar Journal article addressing the problem. In the article Hecht provided his own hypotheses about the cause of the problem. But the truth is, Hecht and his brethren at the Supreme…
Read MoreCar Wrecks: Property Damage Claims
Brooks recently conducted a short interview for News 8 Austin discussing the handling of property damage claims following a car wreck. To watch the video, click here, and then hit the play button in the “watch the video” box. To contact Austin Personal Injury Lawyer, Austin Personal Attorney, Austin Accident Lawyer, Austin Injury Lawyer Perlmutter…
Read MorePresidential Hopefuls on Tort Reform
In the wake of the President’s State of the Union address, the Illinois Justice Project had a short rundown of the 2008 presidential candidates’ views on tort reform. The post should be interesting to anyone interested in civil justice issues. Thanks to the TortsProf blog for the link. To contact Austin Personal Injury Lawyer, Austin…
Read MoreThe Tort System's Effect on the Economy
The Day on Torts Blog has a link to an interesting article from the Economic Policy Institute (a non-partisan economic think tank). The article, Tort Costs and The Economy; Myths, Exaggerations, and Propaganda, includes findings that the US legal system doesn’t slow job growth, that tort reform won’t increase employment, that the tort system doesn’t…
Read MoreAustin Auto Wrecks — Fighting Driver Inattention
The risks of driver inattention have been well documented. As far back as February 1997, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study finding that people who drive while talking on cell phones are four times more likely to be in car wrecks than others. And we suspect the same type of results would…
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